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The Benefits Of Getting Your Cat Neutered

Are you thinking of getting your cat neutered? Whether you’ve adopted a new feline friend or the cat distribution system magically chose you, it is important to get them neutered. Female cats get spayed and male cats get castrated to prevent unwanted pregnancies. We...

Taking Care Of Your Senior Pet

Is your fur baby reaching it’s senior years? Are you a little concerned about the health and wellbeing of your pet now that they are getting older? Most dog breeds are considered senior in age at around 8 or 9 years old. Once your dog reaches this age, it is...

8 Common Signs Of Arthritis In Dogs And Cats

Do you notice your pet slowing down or in pain? They may be suffering from Arthritis, an inflammatory disease that affects the joints. All types of dogs and cats can be affected, reducing their quality of life. Here are 8 common signs of Arthritis in dogs and cats to...