A day in the life
Welcome to GymDog, Ireland’s first ever pet resort.
Work Rest Play
GymDog is Ireland’s only vet owned and managed dog day care socialisation and therapy centre. The GymDog 4 legged concept is Wellness-Fitness-Diet-Training. This means we believe that every part of your dogs health is linked. We believe we help dogs live their best lives through focusing on their exercise socialisation, natural needs and nutrition. We believe our system can help every dog become a better happier family pet. 90% of dog behaviour problems are caused by improper exercise and thats our starting point. So, what is a typical day at GymDog for our dogs at day care?

08:00 am
On a lovely but chilly December morning Koda is just arrived and having a stretch in the astroturf ring until her pals get here.
08:30 am
Boo joins Koda in the astro ring. Girls first for play time today with GymDog team member Tori keeping an eye!

09:00 am
Playtime is in full swing; Boo, Koda, Jess & Stella and (neutered) boys Monty and Louie having fun and cuddles with Ella!
10:00 am
Bertie is asking for toy throwing games in the dog park.

10:30 am
Puca and Eric are good play mates and love hiding in the tyres!
11:30 am
Ralph and the boys chilling in the astro.
Javi, Pippa and Koda sit for their treats.
Javi also wants to know that if he brings his own toy, can he have a GymDog treat?
Tug of war for Django and Puca at treat time. Which just goes to show that dogs do get along great at Gym Dog!

12:00 mid-day
Second play time in the dog park for the high energy gang. Play and throw games with Chantal and Zoe. Showing Lola and Ferris (Bueller on his day off) and Puca again.
12:30 pm
Kaya loves to run and run in the dog park. Living her best life at GymDog.

01:00 pm
Puca is a mucky pup after playing around in the dog park.
02:00 pm
The medium size gang leader, Luna poses in the playroom.

03:00 pm
In the meantime, Gunner’s best pose in the playroom.
04:00 pm
Beau is having a private work out in the Gym on the dog treadmills after a hearty lunch.

04:30 pm
Late afternoon nap time but Poppy still wants to play.
05:00 pm
Monty the fox red Retriever having a bath before home time.